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​2019 年 8 月 1 日雅思大作文题目学历史的好处雅思


Some people think it is important for all children to learn history at school. Others believe that other subjects like science and mathematics are more relevant to children’s development today. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


解析 审题







第 1 段

History has long been a typical part of students’ list of required courses throughout their school years. But, does history deserve a place as important as science and mathematics in the curriculum?



(1) 本段引出话题,然后提出接下来即将讨论的问题。

(2) Typical 典型的

(3) Required course 必修课

(4) Deserve 值得;应得

第 2 段

To begin with, history does play an inspirational role in a well-rounded education. That role is for students to develop a sound awareness of the past of their own country and of the wide world, with illuminating insights into the present and the future. However, how will children learn about history if they do not even study it in school? In a certain sense, the removal of history as a core subject from school curriculum would turn out to be a tragedy for children’s education. It would be frightening to imagine that many children are likely to leave schools without a bit of knowledge of history as a source of inspiration.



(1) 本段论述历史在学校教育中的作用,突出其振奋人心的价值。

(2) Inspirational 给人灵感的

(3) Well-rounded education全面的教育

(4) A sound awareness of… 对……的良好意识

(5) Illuminating 有启发性的

(6) Removal (n.) 移除;排除在外


第 3 段

My point, however, is not to argue in favor of history and against other subjects like science and mathematics. Rather, the latter two disciplines are 专升本 monly considered as more valuable than history since they are more immediately relevant to children’s development. As 专升本 pared with history, science and mathematics usually can provide learners with such concrete knowledge regarding the number, distance, speed, and size of things in the universe. That is to say, these two courses are viewed as more practical, and therefore more valuable not only in school but also later in life.



(1) 本段讨论科学和数学这些课程的重要性:突出其实用价值。

(2) In favor of 偏爱……;喜欢……

(3) Discipline 学科

(4) Immediately 直接地

(5) As 专升本 pared with 与……相比较

(6) Concrete knowledge 具体的知识

第 4 段

In conclusion, history is as important as science and mathematics, although in different ways. History makes children more open-minded, while science and mathematics make them more practical. If it is the responsibility for schools to train all-rounded students, then both history and science and mathematics should remain 专升本 pulsory subjects.



(1) 总结前文的主要观点,并提出自己的看法。

(2) Open-minded 思想开阔的

(3) All-rounded 全面的

(4) Compulsory subject 必修科目

7 分范文

History has long been a typical part of students’ list of required courses throughout their school years. But, does history deserve a place as important as science and mathematics in the curriculum?

To begin with, history does play an inspirational role in a well-rounded education. That role is for students to develop a sound awareness of the past of their own country and of the wide world, with illuminating insights into the present and the future. However, how will children learn about history if they do not even study it in school? In a certain sense, the removal of history as a core subject from school curriculum would turn out to be a tragedy for children’s education. It would be frightening to imagine that many children are likely to leave schools without a bit of knowledge of history as a source of inspiration.

My point, however, is not to argue in favor of history and against other subjects like science and mathematics. Rather, the latter two disciplines are 专升本 monly considered as more valuable than history since they are more immediately relevant to children’s development. As 专升本 pared with history, science and mathematics usually can provide learners with such concrete knowledge regarding the number, distance, speed, and size of things in the universe. That is to say, these two courses are viewed as more practical, and therefore more valuable not only in school but also later in life.

In conclusion, history is as important as science and mathematics, although in different ways. History makes children more open-minded, while science and mathematics make them more practical. If it is the responsibility for schools to train all-rounded students, then both history and science and mathematics should remain 专升本 pulsory subjects.

(285 words)


1. To begin with, history does play an inspirational role in a well-rounded education. That role is for students to develop a sound awareness of the past of their own country and of the wide world, with illuminating insights into the present and the future.


2. It would be frightening to imagine that many children are likely to leave schools without a bit of knowledge of history as a source of inspiration.


3. As 专升本 pared with history, science and mathematics usually can provide learners with such concrete knowledge regarding the number, distance, speed, and size of things in the universe.


4. If it is the responsibility for schools to train all-rounded students, then both history and science and mathematics should remain 专升本 pulsory subjects.




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