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Before I was 30 years old, my life was in a mess. I was suffering from autism, depression, and polycystic ovary syndrome, which was not beautiful at all. I wanted to die many times. It was really not easy for me to live up to now. After the age of 30, I just want to live for myself, love myself well, always keep a childlike innocence and interesting soul, follow my heart and live as I like!

I don't like to express my feelings in my wechat , because there are too many relatives, friends, leaders and colleagues, so I secretly go to the headlines to vent my emotions or record happy things. There are no friends in the headlines, and fans are all strangers. Most of them are empty zombie fans.

When I was depressed, my good friend suggested that I keep a diary to record more of the little beauties in my life, so I would be专升本 e happier, so the headlines deleted the bad mood and turned it all into a sweet mood.

I lived in a family that preferred sons over daughters. In order to have a baby brother, My family told others that I had died. At that time, my mother was still in a 专升本 a and was secretly sent to her grandmother's house without drinking a mouthful of milk. At first, she asked my grandmother to take her to hide in my aunt's house in ZheJiang. Later, when I was a little older, my grandmother took her back to Jiangsu, but she still dare to go back. I had to hide at the third and fourth aunts' house firstly, and I didn't go back to my own home until I was almost in primary school. There is already a little brother at home, especially spoiling his younger brother, and the family always revolves around his younger brother. In order to get more love, in front of adults ,I have always been a good girl. In addition to studying hard, I also help the family do housework. Since childhood, I have learned to please others everywhere.I have always been very sensible and obedient. I have never expressed what I want or do not want, what I like, or what I do not like. I only know that it is useless not to say what I want. I must rely on my own efforts to get what I wants, and sometimes I even feel that I will fend for myself like grass. Later, through my own efforts, I was admitted to a better normal university. This age was supposed to be a romantic time when I could enjoy my college life and fall in love, but I was autistic, I was more withdrawn and introverted, I liked to be alone, without sense of security, and worried about being hurt, so I always dared not fall in love. My marriage object is my cousin who grew up together. After all, I have known him since childhood. It is more reliable to have sense of security. When we are about to get married, because my cousin is a doctor, and I am only an undergraduate. His relatives all say that the next generation of children are not smart because of the bad influence of next-of-kin marriage, and that girls with low academic qualifications are not worthy of it. They all advised him to find a wife with high academic qualifications. In fact, it was my cousin who chased me all the time. I didn't say yes to him at first, but later I thought he was very kind to me, so I was with him. But my parents-in-law always thought that my educational background was low and my ability was not good enough for their son. As soon as I got married, my parents-in-law urged me to have a baby. I didn't know that I had polycystic ovary syndrome. I was unable to get pregnant and had a child because of severe irregular menstruation. I saw a lot of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in 2016. It is still useless to take traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine all over. My mother-in-law often clamors for a divorce.

Because of my weak physique, poor immunity, long-term mental stress and depression, I got depression for the first time. However, I met a distinguished person in my life in 2017. There was a very powerful doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Dr. Xu Boke in Xuxingtang traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shenzhen. I took acupuncture and moxibustion to recuperate my body there. I obviously felt energetic for a period of time, and it seemed that my depression was better. I used to be listless every day, but then I was refreshed and in a good mood; I used to sleep until noon on weekends, but I didn't wake up at noon, but then I woke up naturally before seven o'clock every day; I used to have a poor spleen and stomach, but then my appetite became better; I didn't sweat when I exercised before, but I didn't sweat later; I didn't have menstruation for more than half a year before, and then it gradually became regular, and so on. After almost a year of recuperating my body here, My body has be专升本 e very good. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Finally, I went to the fertility department of Peking University Hospital to induce ovulation, and then I got pregnant and gave birth to a boy.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law are very happy, I just had a baby, All things are in a mess. There were all kinds of contradictions between my mother and my mother-in-law, and my mother and mother-in-law were very strong. I was out of breath in the middle, My relatives were talking a lot of nonsense. I was always aggrieved and endured everything. I ended up suffering from depression the second time.

Later, my mother-in-law always let the baby sleep with her and refused to sleep with me. My mother-in-law always asked me to do housework on the grounds of taking care of the children, so the baby seemed to be closer to his grandmother. I am always used to being patient, so I 专升本 e home from work to help with the children. I also get up early on weekends to help with a lot of housework and take the children out for a walk. Mother-in-law still likes to point out, picky, strong personality, bad temper, often inexplicable. I was obedient, did not show unhappiness, just accepted it with a smile, and happily said that I would try to do better next time, even if I felt that I had done nothing wrong, and I felt particularly aggrieved. I did not want to have family conflicts and did not want to hurt others. I never express dissatisfaction. I always repress my emotions. I usually blame myself. My mother-in-law rushed to sleep with my child, but she also pointed the finger at the child-rearing aspect, which directly made me empty. She always think that I was useless, and then I suffered from depression for the third time.

After the age of 30, I felt that I had matured a lot. I had let go of all the things I couldn't think about before, and I also understood a lot of the great truths of life, and then depression gradually got better. The powerless things in life should be decided, the people who have no chance in life should be given up, and the annoying thoughts in life should be separated. If you treat life affectionately, life will give you a warmth! Be your own sun and illuminate those are depressed and lonely. Don't think about the past, don't worry about the future, live up to the rest of your life, and live in the present!












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